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Last updated 11/22/2008

Evaluation shall be completed utilizing the following criteria.

Activity Distribution-Individual Learner

1-Written Outline Based Written submittal 50% of Final Grade generated from the Written Assignment Grading Rubric

2-PowerPoint Presentation for museum display 50% of Final Grade generated from the PowerPoint Rubric

Activity Distribution-Work Group of Learners

1-Written Outline Based Written submittal 30% of Final Grade generated from the Written Assignment Grading Rubric 

2-PowerPoint Presentation for museum display 40% of Final Grade generated from the PowerPoint Rubric

3-Collaborative evaluation 30% of Final Grade assigned by facilitator upon reviewing feedback generated by team member's completed Collaborative evaluation forms


Use the evaluation rubrics to guide yourself to a higher understanding for necessary items for successfully completing the requirements of the WebQuest.


WebQuest Home and Introduction | WebQuest Task| WebQuest Process | WebQuest Resources | WebQuest Evaluation
WebQuest Conclusion

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